UNSW Scientia Signage


At UNSW, the Scientia building uses Raspberry Pis to serve content on the digital screens in the foyer, with the PiSignage software.

To display a new image on the screen, you had to perform the following steps

  1. Open the web interface
  2. Authenticate
  3. Upload a new media file
  4. Add the media file to a playlist
  5. Stop the playlist
  6. Start the playlist

It seemed abit long-winded… something that could be automated…
Hmm. 🤔

Alright let’s do it!

 GitHub: featherbear/unsw-scientia-signage

Project Plan


To create a web interface to centrally manage a cluster of PiSignage devices.




This “Single Page Application” would need to run from a possible offline context, where the computer might not have an internet connection.

This is due to the fact that the Pis have their outbound WAN connections blocked for security reasons. Read More

Because of this, I was unable/unwilling to use a JavaScript framework like React, Vue, or my current exploration - Svelte.
This meant everything had to be Vanilla JS - nothing wrong with that! In fact I have plenty of experience from my previous sheer refusal to use large JS libraries (ahem jQuery)

Structurally, the final product would be a single HTML page with all of the styling and scripting embedded within.

Functionally, each PiSignage device would be associated to a SignageDevice object which would manage interaction to the PiSignage software.


You can see the source code on GitHub.

Edit (11th Dec 2020): Added drag and drop upload functionality

Alternative Systems

With the on-slaught of maintenance tasks to do for UNSW Hospitality, one of the things was actually to search for an alternative to PiSignage.
The rationale behind this was because some of the Pis had started to malfunction.

Raspberry Slideshow

We tried using Raspberry Slideshow from Binary Emotions, as it had a feature to pull images from a Dropbox folder.
This would allow the Pis to be managed from Dropbox! But it didn’t work out that well.

The issue with Raspberry Slideshow is the way in which it checks for updates.

The issue with this implementation is that the screen will be black every time a refresh is performed.
To see less black screens, we would have to increase the refresh interval.
But increasing the refresh interval will make the time to wait to see the new images on the screen slower.

=> [System_mountFirstFoundUsbDevice] Mounting the plugged-in USB key's first partition...
ls: cannot access '/dev/disk/by-id/': No such file or directory
===> No available USB block device found (no USB key inserted or recognized). Proceeding with cached content, if any.
ls: cannot access '/dev/disk/by-id/': No such file or directory
=> [System_populateTempFolderFromDropbox] Downloading dropbox media...
===> Using account Name:                Theatre Techs.
===> Downloading Dropbox media files...
 > Downloading folder "/" to "/tmp/imgs4/"...
 > Downloading "/IMAGE_FILE_ONE.JPG" to "/tmp/imgs4/IMAGE_FILE_ONE.JPG"... DONE
===> Dropbox folder media hash: 03b04837709085aa456510031299f9ba61792d118f6ea17fb348cbb4097d5078.
=> [System_mediaInformationsShow] The following images will be slided:

=> [System_mediaInformationsShow] The following videos will be slided:

=> [System_mediaInformationsShow] Refresh time set: 15s


Sliding the following images:
Total duration: 10
using "DejaVu Sans Mono-16", pixelsize=16.67 file=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf
=> [System_slide] Refresh timeout reached.


=> [System_slide] New Dropbox media hash: 1894fdd77b8ce3396667e311a49fd4557bd3dc5bdcfd7e7a36f4b52333c7db0a; old was: 03b04837709085aa456510031299f9ba61792d118f6ea17fb348cbb4097d5078.
=> [System_slide] Refetching all media (@todo: refetching only Dropbox media).
=> [System_populateTempFolderFromDropbox] Downloading dropbox media...
===> Using account Name:                Theatre Techs.
===> Downloading Dropbox media files...
 > Downloading folder "/" to "/tmp/imgs4/"...
 > Downloading "/IMAGE_FILE_ONE.JPG" to "/tmp/imgs4/IMAGE_FILE_ONE.JPG"... DONE
 > Downloading "/IMAGE_FILE_TWO.JPG" to "/tmp/imgs4/IMAGE_FILE_TWO.JPG"... DONE
===> Dropbox folder media hash: 1894fdd77b8ce3396667e311a49fd4557bd3dc5bdcfd7e7a36f4b52333c7db0a.
=> [System_mediaInformationsShow] The following images will be slided:


=> [System_slide] New Dropbox media hash: f416bc98359f17ef5b7afa49a7be7538942b5f086c392a3c1a60800e535459aa; old was: 1894fdd77b8ce3396667e311a49fd4557bd3dc5bdcfd7e7a36f4b52333c7db0a.
=> [System_slide] Refetching all media (@todo: refetching only Dropbox media).
=> [System_populateTempFolderFromDropbox] Downloading dropbox media...
===> Using account Name:                Theatre Techs.
===> Downloading Dropbox media files...
 > Downloading folder "/" to "/tmp/imgs4/"...
 > Downloading "/IMAGE_FILE_TWO.JPG" to "/tmp/imgs4/IMAGE_FILE_TWO.JPG"... DONE
===> Dropbox folder media hash: f416bc98359f17ef5b7afa49a7be7538942b5f086c392a3c1a60800e535459aa.
=> [System_mediaInformationsShow] The following images will be slided:

Balena Dash and Screenly OSE

Another solution I found was Balena Dash, a dashboard software I thought would work as a Digital Signage.
Unfortunately the university had old models of the RPi, and did not meet the hardware requirements of 1GB RAM.

Another solution was Screenly - Open Source Edition.
It looked decent and usable, so I tried to deploy it on Balena Cloud.

Except, the 4 Raspberry Pis were blocked from making outbound connections so I couldn’t get them registered.
Even bypassing this by registering at home, they were unable to connect to the cloud at university, so this attempt has been thwarted too!

I did end up trying to to install Screenly OSE without Balena Cloud, but honestly I prefer PiSignage more, so I ended up reflashing it.

Ultimately the issue seemed to be a bad microSD card that was causing corruption on one of the two reported devices.
As for the other reported device, I’m not too sure what caused it to break but as of today, the reinstalled PiSignage software is still working fine; though the device does seem to respond considerably slower than the other devices.

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