Session One
- COMP1511 - Programming Fundamentals
- ENGG1000 - Introduction to Engineering Design and Innovation
- MATH1131 - Mathematics 1A
- PHYS1131 - Physics 1A
Session Two
- COMP1521 - Computer Systems Fundamentals
- ELEC1111 - Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering
- MATH1231 - Mathematics 1B
- PHYS1231 - Physics 1B
Summer Session
- COMP2521 - Data Structures and Algorithms
Session One
- COMP1531 - Software Engineering Fundamentals
- ELEC2134 - Circuits and Signals
- MATH1081 - Discrete Mathematics
Session Two
- COMP6441 - Security Engineering and Cyber Security
- ELEC2133 - Analogue Electronics
- MATH2099 - Mathematics 2B
Session Three
- COMP2511 - Object-Oriented Design & Programming
- COMP3331 - Computer Networks and Applications (unofficial)
- MATH2069 (no digital notes) - Mathematics 2A
- MATH3411 - Information, Codes and Ciphers
Session One
- COMP2121 - Microprocessors and Interfacing
- COMP3231 - Operating Systems
- COMP3331 - Computer Networks and Applications
Session Two
- COMP6[84]43 - Web Application Security and Testing
- COMP6447 - System and Software Security Assessment
- COMP4336 - Mobile Data Networking
Session Three
PHYS1160 - Introduction to Astronomy(dropped)- COMP3222 - Digital Circuits and Systems
- SENG4920 - Management and Ethics
Summer Term
Session One
- COMP3211 - Computer Architecture
Session Two
took a break from uni :)
Session Three
Session One
Session Two
Session Three
- COMP6445 - Digital Forensics