July 27, 2016
On this day, I published the first ever version of my personal website.
It’s a bit of a stretch to say my website, as I basically just whacked this website template on, changed some words and called it a day. (The website template is quite nice though, do check it out!)
October 31, 2017
During my HSC exams… hm this “procrastinate during my exams” is definitely a trend.
I started to redesign my website - from scratch - not using any website templates.
I did cherry pick some code from codrops - as they had really caught my eye at the time.
August 25, 2018
The COMP1521 course at UNSW allocated some bonus marks towards a ‘blogging component’ - where we were meant to reflect on what we had learnt, and also see contribute in discussion with other people.
I decided to use the Hugo site generator rather than the suggested course forum.
One, to centralise my own notes; and two, because it’s probably good to learn.
December 25, 2018
After the COMP1521 blog, I decided to create my own blog as an avenue to share my day to day activities with people!
After much deliberation, I decided on the Aether theme, which looked quite nice out of the box.
April 25, 2019
I made my own blog theme!
It’s nothing amazing, and there’s much to improve on - but at least it’s an effort! (…right???).
June 7, 2020
I decided to rewrite my website.
Give it new life!
Use a JavaScript framework!
Make each page look at least SIMILAR to each other page :')
August 16, 2020
After much idleness, I finally (again as an act of exam study procrastination) got around to redesigning and publishing the third iteration of my website!
Whilst the homepage is identical to version 2, the site is now built with the Svelte framework, and features a light and dark theme!!!
Have a look: featherbear.cc
I’m very pleased with how the new site looks - especially the programming page - which actually looks legible to read now :)
Version 2 | Version 3 |
Oh yeah, I also bought a domain name a few weeks prior…
June 25, 2021
I ported my PDF resume into a website! You can read more in my separate post
September 16, 2021
Back at it again with a new home page!
The old one was getting kinda cheesy
August 14, 2022
In preparation for my site migration, I decided to migrate my blog site from GitHub Pages to Netlify - read here