PC Build: PeteC


I built a computer for a friend.
Nothing too fancy or flashy, just something modern and suitable for productivity and multimedia

The Parts

  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 3600
  • MOBO: Gigabyte B450M H
  • RAM: G.Skill Flare X 16GB (2x 8GB) DDR4 3200 MHz CL16
  • GPU: Gigabyte Radeon RX570
  • SSD: Western Digital Blue 3D NAND M.2 250 GB
  • HDD: Seagate Barracuda 1TB
  • PSU Supply: Corsair CX450M
  • Case: ThermalTake Versa J21 TG
  • Peripherals
    • TP-Link Archer T5E

The Build

This case was quite nice to build in, with plenty of holes to feed wires through. Then again, I didn’t really have to do much cable management. It would have been nice to hide the 24-pin ATX power supply cable though.


I recorded a timelapse for the fun of it :)
It took abit longer than expected, as I forgot to feed some cables through the case before mounting the parts. Rookie mistake.

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